Common questions

General questions

You can contact us with any questions by email, calling card and phone.

We use modern and secure technology – CloudLinux
as well as the following configuration: LightSpeed ​​+ Nginx + Apache

To open a card for our support team, please enter the customer area and follow: – “Support” – “Cards” – “Open a new card” link.

Yes, log in and contact the customer area. You will see the “Invoices Due” table. Check the invoices you want to pay and click on ‘Selected Payment’.

Renewal invoices are issued 7 days before the due date. Please let us know if you need a custom invoice.

Payment can be made via Visa / MasterCard, by bank transfer or via PayPal.

A complete and updated list of payment options can be found on our payment options page.

It is strictly forbidden to publish any content for which you do not have permission.

We will investigate and complain about content owners or their official representatives when they provide us with proof that the content is copyrighted.

We will then notify the site owner of 24 hours to delete this content.

If you believe you own the content, you can compose a counter-notification with relevant proof that it is your content and that you take full responsibility and that you are willing to take legal action. In this case you may retain your content.

Obviously we can. If you buy a one-year hosting plan, we will move your site for free. Contact us and send us access to your current hosting. We will transfer your account to our hosting within one day.

It usually takes about 30 minutes to register a domain. However, to avoid disappointments we recommend allowing between 12-48 hours for the domain to be accessible, updating DNS zones and registering the domain publicly.

Go to cPanel – “Mail” – “Email Accounts”. Fill in all the fields and click “Create Account”

For your email settings, click “More” next to your mailbox and select “Set up email client”

Once your domain has been set up properly, your mail will start working properly.

Our routes?

It only remains to choose the route that is best for you

pricing image
Fast server
Disk space
Number of sites
Free Website transfer
Ready to accommodate thousands of website visitors
Install WordPress in one click
Management panel: cPanel
WEB mail interface
Antivirus and anti-spam

Still have questions?

We will be happy to answer !!